Week 18 Update: Hello 2nd Trimester

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Assuming there are 4 weeks every single month of the year, I am now 4.5 months pregnant! 2 more weeks to that 20 week scan.

And I am also finally not feeling sick ALL THE TIME! That's a milestone, to me at least. Hello second trimester! That said, the following still throws me into a violent fit of nausea:

1) Smell of food being cooked; the oily kind
2) Smell of very oily cooked food (I'm spared from fried food though, for some reason)
3) Smell of extremely spicy food (The qualifier is that I have a relatively high tolerance for spicy food so I'm still able to enjoy mild spices in my food)
4) Bumpy rides (No, it's not carsick)
5) Tight clothing
6) Random fancy by my baby

The 1st one: Smell of food being cooked. Now this is really the WORST. My apartment is near-airtight with the air-conditioning on almost 24/7. But when I step out into my yard of out of my apartment, I will get attacked by the stench of the entire apartment block cooking at the same bloody time. I either hold my breath and make a run for the elevator, or I get reduced into a whimpering nauseous heap.

The 6th one: Random fancy by my baby. As if to prove my point, it just happened. I was happily typing this post when I suddenly get into a throwing up fit; no explainable reason whatsoever.

But other than that, I'm more or less a functional woman.

My baby bump is also finally bigger than my OHSS bloat. The extra big shorts I bought to accommodate my OHSS bloat is officially too tight as of this morning. I've put on about 2kg since before the IVF procedure. But although my bump is showing quite a bit now, I look more fat than pregnant. And no one is giving up any seats to me on the subway yet.

I've been taking baby bump pictures (almost) every week but I'm a little shy to publish them here.

I bought my first pair of maternity jeans! That's my first piece of maternity clothing; highly recommended by my new-mommy girlfriend. Will review it at a later date after I'm well acquainted with the jeans.

So looking very forward to a positive 20 week scan to assure myself that all in well in the womb down there!

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