The 2 Weeks Wait After The 2 Weeks Wait

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Today is Day 27 since my diamonds got fertilised. So the hospital calling with a "Congrats! You're pregnant!" after the blood test isn't the end of it. Dr Jerry Chan reminded us in an email on the day of the pregnancy test that we still needed to wait for the scan 2 weeks later to "confirm the viability of the pregnancy".

After which I got all nervous again. There is a 2 weeks wait AFTER the 2 weeks wait!! OMG nobody told me about this!!

What can I do to ensure my little diamonds survive well till then? And there's that stupid home pregnancy test I did before the blood test that tugs at my sleeve whenever I ran out of things to worry about. Stupidest thing I did this cycle.

The scan is on 26 Oct Mon, 4 more days. I just recently found out that they calculate your pregnancy from the first day of your Last Menstrual Period (LMP). I am such a noob in all these. This means I am 6 weeks 3 days pregnant according to my doctor. 6 weeks seem like such a long time already! At least I hope I am still pregnant...

My doctor, who by the way, discouraged us to break the news to our parents when we told him we haven't done so yet last week. Everything rests on the scan on 26 Oct to determine that there is no "chemical pregnancy". So far.

So.. hold our horses.

Meanwhile, my OHSS is really getting annoying. It's like an ex-boyfriend that won't let go, traumatising every aspect of my life for my undivided attention.

The bloated-ness in my tummy makes me look 3 months' pregnant. It's hard to meet people I know and attempt to explain that no my tummy is not what you think it is. You see, we are keeping my IVF ordeal completely classified from the people we know until we are sure of success. I can't handle the "So how is it?"s in case everything falls apart. I'd have to focus all energy on remaining sane.

And when the pain comes... it is pure torture. New cramps at my lower abdomen started on Tuesday. The nausea is getting hard to reign in. I get severe intense pain in my abdomen in the middle of the night EVERY NIGHT. Today is Day 16 since the start of this Late Onset OHSS. How long more!!!

I have been on Hospitalisation Leave since 25 Sep. I am so fortunate I am self-employed and able to have a flexible schedule. How do employed women deal with being away from work for a month!

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