On Doctor's Orders, I went Shopping...

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Following up from the last post, the doctor gave me 5 days hospitalisation leave telling me to relax and go shopping.

I spent the first 3 days last week working my ass off anyway. By day 4, I was DETERMINED not to work. So I went out and shopped hard over the weekend. And here's part of my loot.

A sweet strawberry body polish from The Body Shop, a Uniqlo lime green hoodie that hubby insists on paying for, and my favorite of the lot: a lemon yellow crossbody purse-bag from Kate Spade Saturday.

A new Thomas Sabo boutique opened at Vivo City and the Boutique Opening Party had a rare 15% discount off all their stuffs. Being the sucker than I am, I bought 2 new beads for the Karma charm bracelet I've been building to chronicle my IVF journey 

The freebies that came along with the purchase included 2 pouches, a bunch of silver and black scrunchie hair ties, blue nail polish, and a nail file. Gosh, I haven't used a nail file since I was 14. How does this thing work again..

Inside the Thomas Sabo shopping bag
So that was all last weekend. This weekend was back to work for me. While I enjoy window shopping and buying something nice occasionally, I seldom splurge on such amounts at one go.

4 days more to my pregnancy blood test. Well, if the embryo transfer didn't work this cycle, at least I got myself a nice new bag..?

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