Ovum Pick Up: Round 2

Monday, September 28, 2015

It's been a while since I roosted here. One of my last posts in July talks about my brief hiatus until September. When September came around, I saw a stream of readers on my stats board checking into my blog for updates. But.. (tiny whiny voice) no one said anything to me in comments or anything like that... Are you readers all in my head? Is my stats board broken? And wait, don't go! I haven't abandoned this blog yet! I have 20 days Hospitalization Leave now; lots of time to write!

So anyway, September is almost ending, and the month have been eventful. I did 2 womb scratch tests, one in Aug 3 and another in Sep 3. But more about the scratches in another post.

My period started on 7 Sep, and I was hauled into KKIVF on 9 Sep for that painful transvaginal ultrasound scan, before being checked in for the month's short cycle. (They call it Antagonistic Cycle. It's all very foreboding)

The short cycle was a breeze compared to the long cycle. Made me wonder why I had to spend all that Lucrin money in March! I worked the needles like a hardcore junkie, jabbing myself daily with the new drug I originally misread as 'Orang Utan' (!!), but it's actually 'Orgalutran'; and 2 more drugs: Menopur and Saizen.

Within a short 2.5 weeks, I was ready for the ovum pick up! And I only had to do 2 more ultrasound scans in between the injections! I must have done the scans more than 10 times for the long cycle. Short cycle is the way to go~!

25 September 2015, Friday

I went through the scheduled ovum pick up like a boss. I knew exactly what to expect. It has after all only been, what, 6 months? The waiting time was even shorter this time! I waited for a grand total of 30 minutes before getting ushered into that dreadful theatre. Even Dr Jerry Chan didn't take long to arrive for the procedure this time!

Everything was clockwork. The sedation nurse injected the drug into my hand; yes THAT painful jab via the IV plug. And like the last time, the last thing I heard was the nurse telling me to go to sleep before waking up to the beeping of my heart beat on the monitor and the flower motifs on the wall of the resting area.

The report came after drifting in and out of consciousness for an hour: I had 29 eggs harvested this time; 7 less than the last round of 36. I have learnt the hard way that the more is not the merrier. So I kept my fingers crossed for a good performance by my eggs and hubby's sperms this time...

After I cleared my head from the foggy sedation adequately, I made a beeline for Mcdonald's nuggets with curry sauce dipping! Now this was a craving I couldn't fulfil from my previous Egg Retrieval. Because Mcdonalds had a shortage of curry sauce island-wide for months.

I felt ok physically. I felt positive. I felt hopeful. The embryo transfer was scheduled for Monday 28 Sep. I can't wait and at the same time was apprehensive.

And then... the next day, the nightmare happened again... My horror movie entitled 'The Return Of OHSS'...

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