Week 28: Belly Button Diaries

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

I haven't been so fascinated with my belly button since I was 4 years old. My tummy is expanding by the day and the belly button is totally feeling the strain; getting squeezed out of the way. Although it hasn't been pushed out yet, it looks all squinty now. It amuses me every time I look at it in the mirror, like some alien life form landed on that spot.

Oh oh, and I am officially in my 3RD TRIMESTER!!

A Hard-Trotted Milestone

Around this time just 1 year ago, I was hospitalised for OHSS, and subsequently failed the first embryo transfer after the hospital discharge.

There have been so many traumatic disappointments along the way that even now with my tummy working hard to evict my belly button, I am still paranoid at every cramp, thinking I may lose the little one. I am so fearful of getting attached, so scared of putting my all into planning the nursery, and of jinxing myself and baby or something with my enthusiasm.

And that's why besides occasionally thinking of baby names, hubby and I hadn't planned anything at all yet for the little one's arrival.

In fact, we were so 'chill' with my pregnancy that when our friends found out 2 weeks ago that we hadn't started preparing anything, they were shocked. In contrast, our mutual friend whose EDD in August (2 months after me) have gotten half their nursery done up; with breast pumps, sterilisers and all well stocked up. Not to mention they've also already booked an infant care slot in a childcare center for... February 2017!

And there I was, still no inkling at all how the breast pump is supposed to work. (Ok, after that meeting, I have since grudgingly done some research and now know a little more about breast pumps)

Braxton Hicks?

On Sunday, I had a pulsating cramp near my groin area which lasted 2 days. I was close to freaking out while a more rational part of me concluded that it was probably this thing called the Braxton Hicks that I've been reading so much about online. The cramps seemed to have taken a break today. So I hope everything is fine.

There's a huge scan coming up this Thursday; the first since Week 20. Oh honey, I hope everything's fine in there!!

Thomson Medical Center or KK Hospital?

You know how friends have all sorts of recommendations? Hubby and I have been totally comfortable with KKH so far, but a friend whose wife delivered a little more than a year ago started dissing KKH when we met a while back, briefly assuming the role of TMC salesperson or something. His wife delivered at Thomson (TMC) and they swear by that place.

To be honest, I do like the conduciveness of TMC as opposed to KKH's sterile environment. So now we're a little torn on whether to change hospitals. The original plan was to switch from being a subsidized patient to private consultation with Dr. Jerry Chan after Week 30. But since Jerry only delivers in KKH, we'd have to look for another doctor if we were to change to TMC.

Something I didn't expect though: Doctor charges aside, the single wards for TMC seems to be a cheaper than KKH! We're going for the KKH hospital tour next Friday and will decide after that.

Meanwhile, our baby-related job this week is to clear out a room to start planning the nursery.

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