Grapes Can Relieve Nausea

Saturday, October 24, 2015

I suddenly developed an insane craving for grapes sometime last week; specifically purple and red grapes. And now it is suddenly my favorite fruit.

These little bundles of sweet gems are a surprising relief to nausea! You don't have to eat an entire bowl of it. When I get a spell of nausea that the Ondansetron cannot deal with, I pop in a couple of grapes, and chew them slowly; one at a time. Immediate relief.

So far it has worked 90% of the time.

The little problem with grapes is that I'm terrified of eating too much of them at one sitting at the moment. They're classified as 'heaty' fruits, and are sort of contributing to my stubborn cough. I can't wait for my cough to be gone so I can down these lovely grapes bunch by bunch.

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