Pregnancy Blood Test Vs. Home Pregnancy Test

Monday, October 12, 2015

I got awakened to a thrashing twisting pain in my mid torso again early this morning before falling back into an exhausted sleep. This is happening on an almost daily basis, with the crippling pain lasting 10 minutes before tossing me back to sleep.

When I finally did wake up proper, I was blanketed with anxiety. My scheduled pregnancy blood test is this coming Wed 14 Oct, and there was no way I could get past these 3 days without knowing exactly what is going on in my body.

I decided to do a real damned stupid thing. I ripped out the Home Pregnancy Test Kit and braced myself for whatever results which could be false. I told myself that I wanted to know if the test kit results are accurate so this is for matching Wednesday's blood test results.

But I'm a real wussy. Before the results came out on the stick, I chickened out and slammed it face down. I was suddenly not so confident if I can take an emotional ride on a false negative or false positive.

So now there's a Schrodinger's Cat in the washroom.

Almost immediately after, Hubby excitedly told me that Dr Jerry Chan had replied to his email on my condition, asking us to go down to do the blood test today instead of Wednesday. YES!! I TOTALLY NEED THIS!!

So we flew down to the hospital. I gave them hubby's phone number to phone us the results this time. (It takes 2-3 hours to analyse the blood)

We went for lunch and ran some errands separately at a mall near the hospital afterwards, nervously passing the longest 2 hours ever. When I got into the car as we were about to leave, he turned to me and grinned "So I guess we need to start thinking about baby names."

The hospital had called with positive results! It felt so surreal! After the long long journey, we finally reached a milestone! I was euphoric, we were elated! It felt like we finally cleared a stage in an extremely difficult RPG game.

So we were summoned back to the hospital for further medication, and scans to pinpoint the problem of my pain. Lots of water, it's OHSS, as I expected. I know the pain well by now even if the doctors try to explain it away with other improbable diagnoses (gastric, acid reflux, hormonal bloating etc).

I guess they just expected it to be much more violent for a Late Onset OHSS. Oh I hope not!!

So now I'm to 'observe' the symptoms at home, and when it gets intolerable, get myself admitted. Somehow, knowing that you're pregnant makes the pain much more tolerable. At least I'm not in pain for nothing!

Back home, time to check out Schrodinger's Cat. And I now have the answer on whether you should use the Home Pregnancy Test Kit during your 2 weeks wait...

The test kit turned up negative.

I was shocked. Thank goodness I chickened out reading it earlier in the day!

Dumb thoughts started to whizz past; what if the home pregnancy test kit is right and the blood test is wrong? Oh geez I totally regret using this cheap contraception in the morning. All it did was to cloud me. Of cause the blood test is the accurate one!

So if you're really itching to use the home pregnancy test kit during your 2 weeks wait. You have been warned. Beware of false results that may potentially drive you nuts.

(This junk of a test kit is the Guardian house brand. Do Not Buy.)

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