Late Onset OHSS?

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

This persistent OHSS thing JUST won't leave me alone.

The day after my Fresh Embryo Transfer, the symptoms started to go away. And as long as I popped in the anti-barfing meds, I was generally functional. By last Friday, the only med I was taking was Cabergoline. I was even well enough to take public transport to the mall for a movie and some shopping over the weekend. Hows that!

Then yesterday the pain suddenly returned. I had to pitifully turn back to the anti-barfing pill. Today was worse. The bloating seemed to have more or less gone though. Cramps in the lower abdomen and pain in the middle of my torso accompanied with nausea. Same old story except it's relatively tolerable compared to the OHSS right after ovum pick up. And walking is hard! Every impact sends a jolt up my torso...

Dr Chan had warned of late onset OHSS if I get pregnant.

Am I supposed to feel really positive that the pain may mean I'm pregnant or really scared at an incoming explosive OHSS episode?

Exactly 1 week to the Pregnancy Blood Test and it's all I can do to restrain myself from opening the Home Pregnancy Test kit.

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