
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Not. Fair.

Charlotte was the number 2 name on our baby girl name list if we ever get a girl. I liked the old world charm of the timeless-sounding name; albeit a bit too country.

But now, thanks to some royalty a couple of continents away, we gotta strike Charlotte out. Why? Because the planet is going to suddenly get an overpopulation of Charlottes. And I'm not going to have people think I named my kid after some former colonial master's princess.

When news of Prince William and Kate Middleton's baby girl first popped out and the bookmakers were guessing Diana, Charlotte, Elizabeth, Victoria, whatever.. I was going please please please don't choose Charlotte.

And they had to go choose Charlotte.

In fact, to make sure that nobody loses any money, they swept the entire combo meal: 'Charlotte Elizabeth Diana'. And for some reason, that part of the world is just weeping over aww how beautiful a tribute that name is. Nobody's bothered about poor Victoria who got left out of the party. Although I don't understand why they couldn't have just added Victoria to the collection while they were at it. "Charlotte Elizabeth Diana Victoria Etc."

Speaking of which, do the British Royalty have a family name? I must have missed it for the past 30 years.

Anyway, Charlotte's not even an English name to begin with! The root of the name 'Charlotte' is French! What business do the British have choosing a French name for their baby! I thought they weren't exactly BFFs or anything.

Ok, so we're not French either. But we're not royalty. Like say, if I'm Chinese royalty, I'm certainly not going to choose a name rooted in Japanese culture for my royal kid. Just saying.

Bah. Whatever. Let me get bumped up first.

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