Two Weeks Wait Trilogy: Part 3 - Bated Breath

Sunday, May 3, 2015

(The Two Weeks Wait Trilogy summarises how I spent the hellish 2 weeks Post Embryo Transfer.)

Last 5 days before the blood test... My sanity have all but fizzled out like a crazy untangled ball of yarn.

Day 13 (29 Apr, Wed)
Had a nightmare that period did come last night. My period dreams have always come true within the next 2 days so I'm frantic now. Received the SMS reminder that the blood test is next Monday, as if it's not constantly on my mind.

Otherwise exhausted from work.

Day 14 (30 Apr, Thu)
Officially 2 weeks. So darn tired from all the work..

Day 15 (01 May, Fri)
Labour Day and cousin's wedding. Woke up too early for the tea ceremony. Meeting in afternoon. Napped for an hour. Wedding banquet afterwards. No time to worry too much about about the blood test until back at home typing this.

Period app on iPhone says: 3 days late.

Day 16 (02 May, Sat)
Fighting the irresistible urge to pluck out the pregnancy test kit. Only thing stopping me is fact that my pee is filled with curdled progesterone. How accurate would all that hormonally pumped pee be?

Got severe cramps in my abdomen suddenly at 9:30pm. OH I HOPE IT'S GASTRIC AND NOT PERIOD COMING!

Day 17 (03 May, Sun)
The Last Day. Holding my breath. Hubby have never been so concerned about the presence of my period. I'm going mad from the anticipation.

Internet littered with images of Kate Middleton walking out of hospital somehow looking like a million dollars just 10 hours after labour. She's a mannequin, I tell you. A mannequin. That, or an alien.

Period 5 days late!

Tomorrow is the day of the pregnancy blood test. This is gonna be one of the longest night of my life...

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