Counting The Embryos

Thursday, April 2, 2015

31 March 2015 (Wed)

After a week of suffering, the next chapter in the journey starts today as I went to collect the Progynova prescription to prepare my womb lining the upcoming thaw cycle.

I can't believe I need to go through all that Medisave paperwork all over again.

I also finally had a chance to see the report for the embryo extraction. Not quite what I expected...

The Numbers

36 - Eggs harvested
26 - Injected
14 - Fertilized
7 - Still alive by Day 2
4 - Freezed the day I was supposed to do the transfer but in too much pain
4 - Blastocyst (3 working + 1 non-working embryo; just for the heck of it)

By Day 5 and 6, all the blasted eggs stopped working...

So after all that OHSS trauma, we only have 4 little embryos frozen and asleep. I thought maybe there were more than 10 waiting for us. I didn't expect less than 5.

I felt drained and completely exhausted for the rest of the day...

I think I'll name my 4 little sleeping embryos...

Alice, Bach, Caesar, Destiny.

The lingering OHSS-induced pain has somehow mingled with the severe menstrual cramps I'm going through now. But for once, the cramps was a breeze of a discomfort compared to last week's agony.

The good news is that I've lost another kg that I gained from the OHSS ordeal. 

OHSS Log - Today's BMI: 19.0

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