Two Weeks Wait Trilogy: Part 2 - Humdrum

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

(The Two Weeks Wait Trilogy summarises how I spent the hellish 2 weeks Post Embryo Transfer; 6 days at a time.)

Two thirds of the way there already...

Day 7 (23 Apr, Thu)
Woke up feeling like a hyper little kid. Wanted to sing and dance lots. Took a much slower pace after yesterday afternoon's unraveling.

Almost missed the progesterone inserts again today though but made it thanks to the alarm.

Day 8 (24 Apr, Fri)
Exactly 1 week since Alice and Bach were transferred over. Hope they're still in there and find my womb agreeable.

Day 9 (25 Apr, Sat)
Woke up to very light brown discharge. Conflicting info on early pregnancy symptoms online... All alleged symptoms are exactly the same as period symptoms.

Had steamboat.

Day 10 (26 Apr, Sun)
Watched 'Avengers: Age Of Ultron'.

Fantasized baby names with hubby. Had ramen.

Day 11 (27 Apr, Mon)
Paranoid all day if the period's going to come soon.

Day 12 (28 Apr, Tue)
REALLY paranoid about the period coming... Met up with my bestie who is 6 months pregnant. Learned a lot of preggie stuff from her. Sounds.. un-fun. Hope I have a chance to find out personally how un-fun exactly it is.

(Photo source: Google)

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