Two Weeks Wait Trilogy: Part 1 - Unravel

Thursday, April 23, 2015

The notoriously mentally challenging post embryo transfer 2 weeks wait is actually 18 days for me. The Two Weeks Wait Trilogy summarises how I spent these 2 weeks; 6 days at a time.

Day 1 (17 Apr, Fri)
Exhausted after the procedure. Slept plenty. Developed a cough but too scared to take medicine thanks to all the dubious online articles I read from unqualified sources.

Day 2 (18 Apr, Sat)
Still tired. Cough morphing into flu.

Advised to do light activities so went shopping. Bought another Thomas Sabo karma bead for my 'Forest Tea Party' charm bracelet as a milestone / good luck charm for the embryo transfer.

Day 3 (19 Apr, Sun)
Slightly feverish from the flu. Trying hard not to worry about whether this will affect the embryos.

Day 4 (20 Apr, Mon)
Back to work. Putting on weight already, or is that just in my head?

Day 5 (21 Apr, Tue)
Work piled up. Full day of contract negotiations, handling recruitment work and interviewed for a documentary till almost 12am.

Not only did I miss dinner, I missed the afternoon progesterone inserts! And I was only able to do the night inserts at 1am; 16 hours after the last dosage (supposed to be 6-8 hours apart)!

I am such an idiot. Please hang in there, Alice and Bach!

Day 6 (22 Apr, Wed)
Fatigue from the previous day spilled over.

Had literal nightmares all night on rushing my progesterone dosage over and over again. Woke up drained but determined not to miss the inserts again. Work took over almost immediately and it wasn't until 10:30am that I realised I hadn't had the progesterone yet!!

Exhausted, felt weak, and starting to unravel. Got very emotional at one point in the afternoon, but still rational enough to know I'm being irrational.

Successfully pinned all blame at the hormones and pieced myself back together by end of the day...

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